What is your name, and what do you do?
My name is Tia. I am an Apprentice at Dalcour Maclaren. I work on Southern Electric Power Distribution schemes.

What made you decide an apprenticeship was for you?
An existing DM employee made me aware of this opportunity. Needless to say, I definitely made the right choice, and I am loving the best of both worlds.
What are the benefits of being an apprentice at DM?
You're surrounded by people that are willing to help. Most notably with assignments, in a company like DM, there is always going to be someone that knows what you're writing about and will be willing to help.
What would you say is the most interesting thing you have learnt?
Before joining DM, I had no idea what work went into infrastructure and utility projects, prior to the installation. I would say the most notable is the CPO process and extended timeframes and vast amounts of communication before works can commence.
What is your favourite part of your role?
I love being a valued member of a strong team and building both landowner and client relationships!
Find out more about our apprenticeship scheme here
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