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Dalcour Maclaren’s Graduate Interview Tips

1. Do a bit of research

The work we do at DM is often quite technical, and we would not expect you to be an expert before you’ve even started. But have a look at our website and find out a bit more about what we do. You may also see us as guest speakers in some of your lectures, so do come along. Not only will this make you feel more comfortable in the interview, but it will also help you decide if this is the kind of work, you’d be interested in doing as a graduate.

You can also find out more about the types of people we’re looking for. We are really passionate about our company values – read our about page to discover the ‘DM Way’.

Follow us on social media! You can find out more about what we do and what life at DM is like.

2. LinkedIn? Look us up!

It’s not just DM that uses LinkedIn to scope out great candidates, but is a really useful tool for employers and candidates alike – we would strongly recommend setting up a LinkedIn profile if you haven’t already; it’s a great place to show off your experience and engagement with the industry, as well as enabling you to look up your interviewers and potential colleagues before your interview.

3. Beat the clock to beat your nerves

Lots of interviews will be done virtually for the foreseeable future. Take some time to test out the program, check your sound and webcam are working and put away the laundry that’s been drying in the background!

If you are having a face-to-face interview, finding your interview location should be least of your worries, so planning ahead is key. Research your journey time prior to the interview and aim to arrive early, so that you’re not stressing in the car. All of our office locations, right up to the front door, can be easily found using What3Words on our website.

4. Give yourself the right fuel!

Don’t interview on an empty stomach – No one wants to experience an awkward silence when your brain is preoccupied with finding the closest M&S Food as soon as you escape from the meeting – worse still is a room filled with the sound of tummy rumbles!

A decent breakfast (minus ketchup down your front) will help you to focus and calm the nerves.

5. Swap out the caffeine - just for a day!

Don’t arrive with the jitters – it might be hard enough to stay cool as it is! What’s more, lots of coffee can be really dehydrating, you might struggle to get your words out. Consider opting for decaf and an apple to wake you up instead – you can treat yourself to a latte once the interview has finished.

6. Try to relax!

Interviews can be perceived as an intimidating experience, especially if this is your first job. But that is not what DM is about; we want you to relax and even enjoy yourself so that you can get as much out of your time here as possible. Remember, this is a chance for you to think about whether DM is the right choice for you as well, not just a selection process for us.

7. Be nice!

Although we are looking for professionalism, we are on the lookout for the DM fit – and we are all nice! We want to get to know you, so just relax and give us a smile! We hold Assessment Centres as part of our recruitment process; these are a great opportunity to meet the team in a slightly more relaxed environment, and we hope they will enable you to relax and be yourself.

8. Don’t forget to ask questions

Interviews are a strange situation to be in, but remember that the people interviewing you may also be your future colleagues. The best way to find out if this is the job for you is just to ask some questions! We don’t expect you to know all about the technical stuff, so we can try to give you a good idea of what day to day life is like here at DM.

Find out more about the scheme and the opportunities available for our Graduate Training Program 2022. Click here or search #DMGraduates.


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